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Microsoft has launched a family of new products that carry the name Copilot. 副驾驶是一项内置在微软环境中的人工智能(AI)技术, and it’s poised to change the way people work. Whether or not you’ve already been working with AI tools, Copilot值得探索,因为它集成了SharePoint和OneDrive中的数据, and with applications like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

副驾驶是建立在一种被称为大型语言模型(LLM)的人工智能之上的,这是一种生成式人工智能. 法学硕士是一种利用大量文本来理解语言以及人们如何说话和写作的细微差别的技术. LLM’s don’t actually understand content. They predict the logical sequence of words from a given starting point, with the result sounding like a human response.

起点称为提示符,LLM输出的质量由一系列提示符中包含的信息的输入决定. 包括副驾驶在内的法学硕士课程并不完美,每一个输出都需要进行准确性审查. 事实上,微软包含了一个小的免责声明来提醒你你的责任.

As mentioned, there are many products with the Copilot name. 我们将提炼出你最可能遇到的三个问题,然后指导你如何开始探索这个人工智能助手如何帮助你节省时间,并在日常工作中提高效率. But first, let’s look at what kind of work Copilot can do.

What Can Copilot Do?

Microsoft calls Copilot an AI assistant but remember, it’s a co-pilot, not an auto-pilot. While Copilot is designed to simplify and expedite certain tasks, 重要的是要记住,它不能取代人类的洞察力和决策. It’s there to complement your capabilities, not take over your job.


Content Creation: Compose an email in Outlook; draft reports, articles or essays in Word; create a presentation in PowerPoint; create reports or visualizations from data; or even whip up code snippets.

Retrieve Information: 从互联网或直接从公司自己的资源中获取信息(如果包含在您的订阅中).

Collaborate: Integration with Microsoft Teams, Loop, and other tools within the Microsoft 365 ecosystem enables document sharing, communication, task management and more.

Enhance Productivity: 自动完成重复的任务,比如在Outlook中安排会议或在Excel中制作复杂的公式,从而腾出时间来做更有战略意义的工作.

Bridge Language Gaps: Copilot can translate text across a variety of languages, enabling communication with international teams and customers.

Keep in mind that these are examples of basic functionality in Copilot. 根据订阅类型的不同,您可以执行不同的操作. As you and your organization learn to use Copilot, you can customize it to meet your workflows and operations. Now, let’s talk about three types of Copilot subscriptions.

Types of Copilot Subscriptions

FREE – Copilot in Windows 11

In Windows 11, Copilot简化了从调整PC设置到组织桌面的一切, saving time and boosting efficiency. This version of Copilot can also pull in information from the web, directly into your workflow or through any Windows app you’re using.

Also included are AI-powered tools for photo editing, video creation, and drawing. Plus, with advanced security features and AI-driven Bing Chat, online browsing is more effective and secure. 无论你使用的是Windows 11还是Edge浏览器,你都可以在必应搜索中使用必应聊天.


Copilot Pro is an add-on to Home and Personal Microsoft 365 subscriptions, currently at a cost of $20 per person each month. This plan is great for speeding up access to GPT-4, 这是一种人工智能,可以帮助完成写论文或组织演讲等任务.

With Copilot Pro, you can get assistance with writing suggestions, data organization, email management, and creative project ideas within Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, and OneNote. You can also create AI-generated images—up to 100 a day—using Designer, which can be a fun tool for both school projects and personal creativity.

BUSINESS LEVEL – Copilot for Microsoft 365

Copilot for Microsoft 365, currently priced at $30 per user monthly with an annual commitment, is specifically designed for business environments. It not only integrates with key Microsoft 365 applications like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, 和OneNote,但也无缝连接到您的组织在SharePoint和OneDrive的数据.

这意味着Copilot可以直接访问和利用您的业务数据,以更明智和相关的方式协助完成任务. For example, 它可以迅速将最新的项目细节合并到PowerPoint演示文稿中,或者利用Excel中的历史数据来预测趋势, 所有这些都可以通过访问存储在SharePoint和OneDrive中的文件和信息来实现.

Test Copilot with Technology Pioneers

If you have Windows 11 or you’ve used Bing Chat, you might already have started to explore what you can do with Copilot. To get started with the business version, however, you’re going to have to invest in a full year-long subscription for each employee. This is where the concept of appointing technology “pioneers” comes into play.

Selecting a small, 深入了解Copilot的功能是一个明智的举措. 这些技术先驱将引领人们发现Copilot如何最好地满足您的特定业务需求. They’ll experiment with its functionalities in various departments, from marketing to operations, providing valuable feedback and identifying best practices.

这种亲身实践的方法不仅有助于评估Copilot的实用性和效率,还有助于调整其应用程序,以提高您团队的生产力和创造力. Moreover, these pioneers will act as internal influencers, sharing their insights and successes, trailblazing the path for broader adoption among your staff.

Guidelines for Implementing a Pioneer Approach to Explore Copilot

Select Diverse Pioneers: 从各个部门找到愿意尝试新技术的员工.

Set Clear Objectives: Outline specific goals for what you aim to achieve with Copilot, such as boosting document creation speed or streamlining workflows.

Provide Training and Resources: 提供有关Copilot功能的入门培训课程,并确保提供持续的支持.

Establish a Feedback Process: Set up a mechanism for pioneers to regularly share their experiences and insights, whether through meetings or a digital platform.

Encourage Experimentation: 激励先驱者将Copilot集成到各种任务中,以发现其全部潜力和局限性.

Share Learnings Organization-Wide: 先驱者是否通过指南向组织的其他成员展示了他们的发现, presentations, or workshops.

Evaluate and Adjust: 利用先驱者及其同事的反馈来评估Copilot的影响,并在更广泛的推广之前决定任何必要的调整.

Ready to Start Experimenting with Copilot?

Are you ready to explore what Copilot can do within your own organization? 首先要确定技术先驱,他们可以根据您的特定业务需求探索和评估Copilot的功能. 学习如何使用副驾驶与学习任何其他软件没有太大的不同. 为自己和你的先驱者投资一些订阅,以获得试验的自由和练习的时间. 你可能会惊讶于人们学习新技能的速度之快,并发现人工智能助手如何帮助他们在工作中取得更大的成功.

More efficient and productive workers impact business outcomes too. 开始采用副驾驶是一个利用尖端技术保持竞争优势的机会. By embracing Copilot, you can ensure your team maximizes their time and creativity, focusing on strategic tasks that propel your business forward.

Next Steps

将人工智能集成到您的业务中是迈向未来运营的一步. If you’re ready to explore what Copilot can do for you, or if you need guidance on implementing this powerful tool effectively, reach out to us. 我们的团队在这里支持您驾驭这一令人兴奋的技术进步, 确保您的业务不仅跟上变化的步伐,而且因为变化而蓬勃发展.

Contact us 了解更多关于Copilot和我们的托管IT服务如何改变您的业务运营的信息.

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